Group Bookings

Groups of 6+ are bookable via email only to, further group booking info is available on the Large Groups & Events page

Dietary Restrictions/ Allergies

Most dietary restrictions can be catered for with a little advance notice. Please note, due to the small, confined nature of our kitchen, we cannot accommodate severe, life threatening allergies nor guarantee against cross contamination..

Cancellations & No Shows

We take credit card details to secure each reservation. Nothing is charged to your card at the time of booking, however in the event of a no show or any cancellation with less than 24 hours’ notice, we reserve the right to charge £35 per guest. Should you need to cancel or amend a booking within 24hrs, please contact us directly via phone or email and fees will be charged at our discretion.

Service Charge

We add a discretionary 13.5% service charge to every bill. All service charge is shared in its entirety between the team, as are any additional cash or card tips guests may choose to give.


We charge £1.50 per guest for unlimited filtered still and sparkling water. Proceeds go to Belu & Water Aid. If you should prefer regular tap water, let us know and we will serve free of charge no problem.

Corkage/ Cakeage

If you’d like to bring a special bottle with you, you’re most welcome to. We charge £35 per bottle, (£45 for sparkling) and £65 per magnum. Similarly, if you wish to bring a cake for a special occasion which you’d like served in place of a dessert, we charge cakeage at £5 per person.


Families and children are most welcome! Please note, that we have limited space for prams and only have one highchair. If you can let us know in advance if you need space for a pram we will do our best to accommodate.


We love Dogs at Sune and can usually accommodate guests with dogs no problem. Due to the intimate and buzzy dining space during dinner, it can be a little trickier. Small dogs who will not be intrusive to other guests are usually no problem, but we may not be able to accommodate some evenings due to the nature of the space and the other guests dining.